學歷及資格 Academic & Professional Qualification | : |
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職位 Post | : |
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主要公職 Major public and social services | : |
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電郵 Email | : | carmelee@hku.hk |
我雖然清楚了解選委會是小圈子選舉, 但仍多次參與, 為的就是在持守基本原則下, 在有限的空間, 爭取多一分民主福利的發展。 我曾在重大壓力下, 仍拒絕提名必勝的建制派候選人, 上屆更以「民福一二」的名義, 與一群志同道合的朋友, 合作推動有競爭性的選舉, 將民主福利納入議題, 今屆我亦抱著同樣宗旨参與。
近年政府在社會服務上推出很多私營化及市場化的動作, 如整筆撥款, 競投以至服務劵等,老人服務往往都首當其衝, 對服務對象及工作人員都構成重大負面影響, 我希望透過這次選舉, 讓各特首候選人了解服務面對的問題及作出改善。
Ever since I graduated from social work department in the university more than twenty years ago, I always take the promotion of democracy and people’s livelihood as my life goal. I first joined community development service and served the underprivileged groups. Subsequently when I worked in the elderly services division of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, I focused on the advancement of elderly rights and encouraged the active participation of senior citizens in social affairs.
Though I fully understand the limitations of Election Committee, I still participated in its elections in several occasions. My aim is to try my best to strive for development of democracy and social welfare in this limited space, while holding firmly my fundamental principle. For instance, I refused to nominate a pro-status quo candidate even if I was under heavy pressure and he was sure-win. In last election, I even joined hand with other candidates under the banner of “Demo-social 12” to promote a competitive chief executive election, and put forward a pro-democracy and welfare agenda. I will pursue the same objectives in this election.
In recent years, the government had made a lot of privatization and marketization attempts in social services, e.g. lump sum grant, competitive bidding and service voucher. Elderly service always becomes the first to feel the impact. These attempts bring tremendous negative effects on the clients as well as the practitioners. I hope that I can alert the candidates for Chief Executive Election on these issues faced by the service and propose necessary ways to remedy the situation.